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Justin Bieber Kissing a FanThe questions in FAQ are very much similar to what are being asked at this website.
Is it pure co-incidence or is USCIS reading the immigrationvoice questions???:D
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Selena Gomez Dating!Ah, the magical E-Verify solution. If we just required it for everything from getting a job to applying for any kind of government benefit and now qualifying for a mortgage, all would be right with America. In the mean time, innocent Americans are still getting caught in non-confirmation hell. For example, I'm trying to help a good friend who is a fourth generation American who inexplicably has been bounced in E-Verify. She has taken multiple trips to the Social Security Administration office and spent hours on the phone over the last several weeks trying to fix this glitch and yesterday...
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Selena Gomez, Justin BieberHi All,
I would like to ask if it is possible, and how long does it take if so, for
my parents who live in India to visit me in the UK, then we all apply
for tourist visas for my brother's marriage in the US.
I have indefinite leave to remain in the UK but am not a citizen yet.
The earlies times for appointment for an interview for my parents
in India is 4 months! whereas my brother will be getting married in 3...
Is it possible for them to get the tourist visa for US from here in the UK?
How long would that take if applicable?
Thanks all very much,
2011 Selena Gomez Dating!
Justin bieber dating selenaWAIT_FOR_EVER_GC
08-18 10:47 AM
WHom Should one call? What number.. I do not get any rep to speak to when I call USCIS
justin bieber and selena gomezjliechty
June 18th, 2005, 04:14 AM
In general, macro lenses around 100mm are good for most kinds of macro photography. They have too much working distance for use on a copy stand, and not quite enough for skittish and/or dangerous insects or small animals. For general purpose stuff, the angle of view is such that you get enough background isolation to be worthwhile (you can rotate around your subject just a bit to get a highlight out of the background, while a 50mm macro takes in more background and makes this difficult).
I got a used Tamron 90mm, and let's just say that the build quality does not inspire confidence - however, the image quality is excellent. From what little I've seen of the Sigma 105mm macro (and from the many images that the members here have posted), it appears to have a bit better build quality and fine image quality as well. The Nikon macro is not going to be much better, if at all, in image quality than these, and you will pay dearly for the brand name. The one macro lens to avoid, however, is a "Phoenix" macro that only goes to 1:2 (that means that you can't get enough magnification for most small insects and flowers to fill the frame) and is most likely more cheaply built than my Tamron. Almost every other macro lens goes to 1:1 these days, and you can get the nicer ones used from KEH for not much more, so there's no reason to buy not-so-ideal lenses that you'll outgrow in no time anyway.
View Full Version : I 485 options: Please advice
Justin Bieber and Selena Gomezgparr
April 22nd, 2004, 10:35 PM
i think you needed two light sources for this, one coming in from the left to lessen or remove the shadows. Some more DOF? Yes and No depends on what you're after. Flwoers of this colour are so hard to photo IMHO. Reds and flowers always give me grief. I like this rendition of the colour.. Were you happy?
Yes, I'm happy with the shot in general. I don't like using flash, but didn't have a choice on this one. I was battling heavy clouds and a building wind. I think I'll go back and shoot it again if the blooms are still in decent shape and try a bit more DOF. I also wish I'd noticed that little leaf on the bottom left. I hate when you think you've studied the entire field of view and then miss one little thing.
Thanks to everyone for the feedback.
View Full Version : How to find previous h1b applications made by a company?
selena gomez justin bieberTry in the early morning hours like 5 - 6 AM EST ....
If any one of your parent can speak English then you can take the appt in English. I did it for my In-Laws and they got the visa.
2010 Selena Gomez, Justin Bieber
Selena Gomez FINALLYsk.aggarwal
02-21 07:28 PM
Would recommend doing an appeal for perm. That will keep perm active while your H1 gets processed.
Selena Gomez Dating!Can't he use EB-3 LC for filing his EB-2 case as well?
NO. Different classification.
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pictures 2010 Justin BieberI liked your first and third one more, but since others liked your second also, I'll add up all three ;)
Shirtless Justin BieberHello All,
I created a Twitter handle for IV @ImigrationVoice to lock down on twitter handle. Hopefully, I can contact some core member, and they can own this account going forward.
IV admins can then post relevant updates to twitter as well.
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Justin Bieber and Selena Gomezgreencard_fever
07-31 05:45 PM
Can you tell us where that thread is?
Thanks Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez
Justin Bieber and Selena GomezAre you saying client company will not pay for the expenses or it will not sponsor H1 visa? If the Client Company does not sponsor H1 visa, i do not think you an sponsor yourself.You can pay for your expenses if client company sponsors H1 visa.
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Selena Gomez and JustinThis is my first time posting here and hope that it would ease my path.
I am trying to find if any one had the experience or has known about someone filing and H1B with a BSc in Health Sciences in Health Care with Respiratory Therapy option.
I know it is not possible to get an H1B on Respiratory therapy therefore I am looking for options as a healthcare administrator, health care analyst, health informatics, etc.
I have done alot of courses in computers like: MS applications, Oracle, Unix, Windows Adminstration, etc and I am close to get an associates in CS too.
- Are there any healthcare fields that require Bachelors degree to get H1 in my case?
- Can I work in IT and get H1 if the job description says Bachelors in any field? selena gomez justin bieber
Justin Bieber and Selena GomezIn year 1999, AnnaLee Saxenian of Public Policy Institute of California did a study on immigrant engineers and scientists in Silicon Valley and the effect they had on California's economy. She contended that foreign-born engineers in Silicon Valley�s technology industry made a substantial and growing
contribution to regional job and wealth creation.
Here is the full report on that study:
Today, a new study titled "Silicon Valley's New Immigrant Entrepreneurs", by researchers in the master of engineering management programme at the Pratt School of Engineering at the Duke University was released.
The study covered 28,766 firms with annual sales of more than USD 1 million and 20 or more employees. The lead researcher Vivek Wadhwa, contends that "this study shows the tremendous contribution immigrants in general and Indians in particular are making to the US economy and global competitiveness. This is a win-win for America and for the immigrants that make it here."
Here is the full report on the latest study:
Both the above reports go towards re-inforcing our arguments. Core members may want to retain copies of these reports some place. Salient points of these two reports should be used in some of the presentation material we prepare.
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Supposedly Justin Bieber andI filed the Labor Certification since September, 07 and got audited in November, 07. The response was sent to DOL in November, 07. I have not heard anything since then. Also, my H1B visa expired in the early of May, 08. I left US on April 28, 08. I�m very frustrated and depressed, and the lawyer is very unhelpful. I got questions as follows:
1) Should I refile the Labor Certification with my current employer in the new position? How about the audit? Should I request to DOL to withdraw the application first and refile the new one? Will my PD be changed according to the new filing date?
2) What would be the best way about H1B visa? I was out of US for one and a half month during these 6 years of H1B period. I heard that the vacation can be recapped, and I will be able to go back to US in the mid of July, 08 due to the pending PERM application for 365 days. In this case, should I start filing the H1B recapture with the H1 Extension now since my application will be pending for a year by the mid of July, 08 (include one and a half month times out of US). Otherwise, should I wait and start the application in the mid of July, 08?
3) If my Labor Certification is pending again till the end of one year extension (in the case of getting the approval on one year extension), do I have to leave US again?
4) I wonder if I should wait outside US for a year until the early of May, 09. Then, reapply the new 6 year- H1B visa again. Can my current employer do that for me? Would it be the better option comparing to the H1B recapture and H1B extension? In the case of starting the new application, when should I start the application? I heard the new H1B cap usually starts around the early of April and will be filled up within a couple days. Also, I have to wait for one year prior to applying for a new H1B, counting the day that my visa expired. So, does it mean that I have to wait till the early of May, 09 to be eligible to send the H1B application since the application will be rejected from USCIS in the case of submitting it prior to the early of May, 09 (one year rule)? Will the cap be filled up by then and what will I do?
Anybody, please advise. Thank you very much. Selena Gomez Dating!
Justin Bieber and Selena GomezProbably the last action rule triggers in your case from Oct'08 and you will not be considered in L-1 status anymore. You should talk to an attorney I guess.
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justin bieber and selena gomezmartinvisalaw
07-13 02:40 PM
It's hard to answer your question without more details, such as your current status. Company B can definitely file a new H-1B for you. Your current status will dictate whether you "need" to tell them about the earlier filing. However, having a prior petition filed might not have any negative impact, so you probably don't need to be nervous about telling Co. B.
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Selena Gomez and Justin BieberSan Diego Immigration lawyer informed that the Department of Homeland Security, USCIS has submitted the information collection request to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and clearance in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. The information collection was previously published in the Federal Register on June 9, 2009, at 74 FR 27339, allowing for a 60-day public comment period. USCIS did not receive any comments for this information collection. The purpose of this notice is to allow an additional 30 days for public comments. Comments are encouraged and will be accepted until October 2, 2009. This process is conducted in accordance with 5 CFR 1320.10.
Written comments and suggestions especially regarding the estimated public burden and associated response time, should be directed to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) USCIS Desk Officer. Comments may be submitted to: USCIS, Chief, Regulatory Products Division, Clearance Office, 111 Massachusetts Avenue, Washington, DC 20529-2210. Comments may also be submitted to DHS via facsimile to 202-272-8352 or via e-mail at, and OMB USCIS Desk Officer via facsimile at 202-395-5806 or via oira_
We suggest when submitting comments by e-mail please make sure to add OMB Control Number 1615-0035 in the subject box. Written comments and suggestions from the public and affected agencies should address one or more of the following four points:
(1) Evaluate whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency, including whether the information will have practical utility;
(2) Evaluate the accuracy of the agencies estimate of the burden of the proposed collection of information, including the validity of the methodology and assumptions used;
(3) Enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be collected; and
(4) Minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond, including through the use of appropriate automated, electronic, mechanical, or other technological collection techniques or other forms of information technology, e.g., permitting electronic submission of responses.
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03-10 10:07 AM
we are going through it right now.
planning to file g-28 only and not AC-21 letter.
Will wait for a RFE to send a AC-21 letter.
Are you self filling G-28 or doing through another lawyer?
try to get feedback from potential employers (corporations) on content and also look beyond indian population as you think about your value of luck!
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